Organic II - Organ Music for the 21st Century presented by Spectaculare and Prague Sounds


Organic II presents the church organ as an instrument for the 21st century and features two Czech projects - Katta/Vox Organi and the Trans Organic duo – which work with this traditional instrument in new contexts, combining live instruments with electronica. The musician and producer Emika will appear as a special guest, performing with Katta pieces which combine a monumental organ sound with sophisticated electronica. The evening will mark the release of Katta's album Vox Organi, released through Emika Records, and will conclude with Emika playing new and unreleased material in a DJ set.

After a successful period as an interpreter of classical organ music, Katta decided to start writing her own music for the instrument. Her 2016 album Veni Sancte Spiritus, which combined her own compositions with works by Bach, Messiaen, and Pärt, opened up new ways for her to express herself in music.

Her first all-original album,Vox Organi, was released this year in May. All the sounds on the album come from the organ at Salvátor church – with the exception of her vocals when she sings old spiritual texts. 

The evening will be opened by the duo Trans Organic, featuring internationally-acclaimed organist Markéta Schley Reindlová and multi-instrumentalist Tomáš Reindl.  The two combine traditional organ sounds with interactive electronica, Indian tabla drums, and other instruments.
